Prepare for teething
Teething can be challenging, especially when you are a first-time parent. You and your baby might be finally settling into a routine and then little teeth begin to push through little gums. There’s no doubt, teething can be a tough time for the whole family. Thankfully, the right preparation goes a long way towards making teething easier on you all.
Ashton & Parsons has been used to help generations of mums, dads and babies through teething. In the last 150 years, we’ve learnt a thing or two about teething and how to prepare for the experience as a first-time parent. Here are five top tips on teething, secrets passed from parent to parent for generations:
1) Know the symptoms of teething
It’s important to know what teething symptoms to look out for in your baby. Some babies are born with their first teeth and some may not begin until they are nearly a year old. However, most babies begin teething around 6 months. If your little one starts displaying any of the following symptoms they may be teething:
- Red or swollen gums
- Flushed, red cheeks or face
- Drooling
- Irritability or fretfulness
- Sleepless at night and restless in the day
- Chewing and gnawing on fingers or objects
- Poor appetite
- Rubbing of the cheek or ear
- A temperature up to 37.5
2) Speak to your friends and family
Friends and family who have children are a great source of information about what to expect from teething. Try speaking to your parents about what they did to soothe you through teething. Some of the most effective teething tips are passed down through generations – like Ashton & Parsons Teething Gel!
3) Stock up on teething essentials
Throughout the teething process, your baby will want to chew and gnaw to ease the discomfort in their gums.
Teething rings are specially designed to be safe and chewable – they can even be popped in the fridge for an extra soothing treat. However, be careful not to freeze the teething ring as contact with extreme cold can harm little gums. Dummies can also prove a soothing chewable treat for your child throughout teething.
If you bottle feed your baby, you might find that they reject their favourite bottle as they go through teething. If this is the case, try changing the nipple on the bottle or feeding them from a cup instead.
4) Be aware of the difference between teething and illness
Teething will probably be the first time that you see your little one in discomfort or pain. We know how tough it can be but remember, everything is OK. Despite the distress it causes, teething is a necessary and ultimately harmless milestone in growth. However, it’s important to be able to spot the difference between teething and something more serious.
The following are a list of symptoms which aren’t related to teething:
- High fevers (with a temperature of more than 37.5)
- Diarrhoea
- A runny nose
- Coughing
- Rashes on the body
Some babies will pull on their ears during teething, some parents confuse this with an earache. Typically, an ear infection will hurt more when babies are lying down and will be accompanied by cold symptoms.
Remember, babies don’t act progressively sicker during teething. So if there is any doubt, check with your doctor.
5) Have trusted remedies at hand
Teething pain can strike at any time – day or night, at home or out and about. So make sure you have our Teething Gel when you’re out and about and our Teething Powders at home. And while our Powders might have been around for 150 years longer than our Teething Gel, both of them are trusted by parents and used to help soothe the pain of teething.
Ashton & Parsons Teething Powders contain tincture of Matricaria, which is extracted from German Chamomile flower heads. Ashton & Parsons Teething Powders are a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the symptomatic relief of teething pain and the symptoms associated with teething which are sore and tender gums, flushed cheeks and dribbling, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional herbal remedy.
Contains tincture of Matricaria. Always read the label.
Our Teething Powders and Teething Gel are both available at Amazon as well as a host of other high street and online retailers. You can find your nearest stockists here.