Real Mum Life Hacks
“Always have a bowl of hot soapy water in the kitchen”, Bev (Mum of 1)
“Always have a patio big enough that your children can play outside whatever the weather! I have many lovely memories watching my girls splash about on the patio in the rain/snow whilst I remained nice and warm in the lounge watching. Sadly my mum had already died before my girls were born but my dear friend Peggy (survived 2 very boisterous boys) offered this advice which I’m pleased to pass on”, Heather (Mum of 2)
“You can’t always be popular as parents-be strong, stay true and respect will be earned – you don’t need to be their best friend they’ve got those in abundance.” Evie (Mum of 3)
“I was told “you’ll need to drop your standards” with regards to keeping the house clean and tidy. And of course you have to because there just isn’t time to get everything (or anything) done in the early days of having a baby. …ignore the grime and mess and sit and gaze at your baby instead! Much more important anyhow.” Amelia (New Mum)
“Don’t warm the food when you’re weaning, in fact never warm food (but DO cook it!) this way, when you’re out and about and they need to eat they will, as sometimes there is nowhere to warm food.” Jo (Mum of 2)
“Keep the nappy off when potty training, don’t do it when the book says, do it when it’s warm so they can be outside!” Jo (Mum of 2)
“Don’t do everything the same every day because otherwise the baby becomes completely routine dependent and has a meltdown when it changes e.g. especially on first holidays just when you need a break!” Mimi (Mum of 3)
“One useful thing I was told and did with both boys was, if breastfeeding, give one small feed from a bottle as the evening feed so if you are ill there isn’t a panic.” Sam (Mum of 2)
We didn’t let anybody in this category join in our research: our advice on this type would be “Avoid, avoid”!
“I was told by my husband’s grandmother not to talk while breastfeeding as it would put bubbles in my milk and give the baby wind?!!” Helen (Mum of 2)
“Let the baby cry and don’t pander just leave the baby to cry, in fact just cry together because after 20 mins of doing that you will be crying, but it will pay off, honest!” Jo (Mum of 2)
“Don’t put girls in trousers they will walk quicker, because they can’t crawl in a dress or skirt.” Jo (Mum of 2)
Best Ever
“Never wake a sleeping baby” from Katharine (Mum of 1 via her Mum)
“My mum offered the following advice to me as a new parent “You’ll be overloaded with advice from all directions, quietly listen, smile, say thank you then go ahead and do what you think is best, you’re the baby’s parents, have confidence that you will know best” Jane – (Granny of 2)
“My favourite piece of advice came from a close friend who was a dad. He said very simply ‘just enjoy your baby’” Helen (Mum of 2)
“My Mum just gave two bits of advice 1. Don’t always cuddle your baby to sleep as they need to know how to fall back to sleep if they wake up, give them a cuddle and then put them down. 2. Don’t let your baby sleep in your bed” Lola (Mum of 1)
“Ignore any advice anyone gives you as it all conflicts and just do your own thing! Best advice I was ever given, just can’t remember from whom, someone with wisdom, anyway, might even have been the health visitor!!!” Debbie (Mum of 3)
“Pyjamas don’t matter” Sylvia (Mum of 1)
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