Teething usually begins at around 6 months old, and continues on and off until an infant is roughly three, so your baby will go through many developmental changes during this significant period of time. Most babies begin the weaning process at a similar time to teething beginning – it’s therefore likely you’ll experience some highs and lows during this process due to their sore gums. Here are a few helpful points to note and tips which may be of help to you as you respond to your little one’s feeding needs.

Child being fed by adult

  1. You may feel your baby is regressing with feeding habits as they refuse solid food, but this is a symptom described by many parents as babies can find breast or bottle feeding more comforting on their swollen and sore gums.
  2. As your baby weans, they are still getting most of their nutrition from milk, so eating less solid food is unlikely to affect their health – however, always seek advice from a medical professional if you have concerns.
  3. Rather than reaching for overly sugary or salty foods like biscuits and crackers, which may seem like a helpful option if you’re trying to encourage your infant to eat, you could try experimenting with some of the following options which will be kinder to emerging teeth and still gentle or helpful with sore little gums:
    1. Soft purees / mashed food – these require less chewing and don’t put pressure on the gums.
    2. Cold / smooth food – the chilled, smooth surface can soothe gum irritation.
    3. Chewable food – some teethers are comforted by a small amount of pressure on their aching gums, so whilst this may seem the opposite approach to those above, it’s all about discovering what works best for your baby. Be led by them.
  4. As with all teething infants, weaned or not, mums and dads rely on a wide variety of methods and aids to help their young ones through this time. Some of the most common are:
    1. a teething ring or mitt – often chilled (not frozen)
    2. a clean, cold, wet flannel for chewing
    3. rubbing the gums gently with a clean finger
    4. traditional herbal remedies such as Ashton & Parsons Teething Powders, which contains Tincture of Matricaria (made from oils found in the German chamomile plant).
  5. Naturally, it is important to keep an eye on any foods or aids which could become a choking hazard.
  6. If in doubt, always seek help and advice from medical professionals such as your GP, the health visitor or NHS Direct.

Ashton & Parsons Teething Powders are a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the symptomatic relief of teething pain and the symptoms associated with teething which are sore and tender gums, flushed cheeks and dribbling, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional herbal remedy. Contains tincture of matricaria. Always read the label.



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