Which tooth next?
All babies teethe at different rates but this is a general guide of what to expect. If you have specific concerns about your baby’s teething progress, it’s best to contact your Health Visitor, GP or dentist.
A. 5–7 months
Bottom front teeth (incisors) usually emerge first
B. 6–8 months
Top front teeth (incisors) emerge
C. 9–11 months
Top lateral incisors emerge, either side of the top front teeth
D. 10–12 months
Bottom lateral incisors emerge, either side of bottom front teeth
E. 16–20 months
Canines emerge, towards the back of the mouth
F. 12–16 months
Molars (back teeth) emerge
G. 20–30 months
Second molars (back teeth) emerge
Remember this is a guide; your baby’s teeth may appear sooner or later than this. Some babies can actually be born with teeth!
References: 1.Clinical Knowledge Summary. (2009). Teething. Last accessed 12th July 2015.
When Do I Start To Brush My Baby’s Teeth?
As soon as they start to appear! Initially a muslin cloth can be used to gently clean the tooth or gum. Use a gentle baby toothbrush and mild fluoride toothpaste. Brushing gently twice a day will help to keep tooth decay at bay. The sooner started the more likely the routine will be established.