1. Movie and PJ night.

If you are anything like me in the week – come little ones bedtime you are totally shattered and just want a hot bath and your PJ’s on! Well, this rather lovely first idea is the perfect romantic night in for the tired parent!

Buy each other some cosy PJ’s for a valentines treat, snuggle up on the sofa under a big blanket and pop on some old black and white movies. Eat delicious treats set out on a tray beside you – baked Camembert, olives, crusty bread for dipping, and a bottle of wine or fizz! Perfect! Staying in never seemed so good!

2. Memory night

Order a take-away, open a bottle of something nice, and curl up together on the sofa. Get a notepad and write numbers 1-20. Take it in turns to write a happy or funny memory on the list, then go through each memory and find photos or videos from the event. Often visiting the old days (and sometimes pre-kids) is a wonderful way of lighting the spark and remembering how many good times you’ve had together!

3. Come dine with me!

Cook a mini buffet for two together but each cook a few items each. Score each other’s efforts and the winner gets the prize of a lie-in at the weekend while the other gets up with the children!  Remember it’s the night of love and being nice though – judge fairly even if you have your eye on that awesome prize!

4. Make gifts for each other

Let’s face it – Valentine’s Day can be pretty expensive. Flowers seem to double in price and anything heart shaped costs twice as much, but you really don’t have to spend a fortune to show you care! Making gifts is a great way of showing some love and I’m not talking a clay vase masterpiece here, I’m talking something simple like a favourite photo in a frame or even a home video compilation on DVD! A little retro I know – but really rather lovely.

5. Baby love!

Let’s not forget the reason why you’re staying in on this Valentine’s Day! Your beautiful baby! During the day you can do some really lovely Valentine’s Day prints to keep forever! Two footprints placed at an angle form a lovely little heart shape, or draw a heart and help your little one fill it with red fingerprints. Whatever you have planned for your evening in, your little one may wake and make an appearance – it’s always the way isn’t it?! Instead of focusing on the stress or worry that it’s spoiling your quality time together – cuddle and snuggle up together as a family. Swap the old movies for CBeebies and enjoy!

Whatever you do this Valentine’s Day – have a wonderful time!

Fi Star-Stone is a blogger, broadcaster and author of ‘The Baby Bedtime Book’, she’s also the editor of Childcare is Fun (www.childcareisfun.co.uk) – a parenting site that hosts the UK’s only award winning, FREE, parent advice service. Each week she receives and answers over 200 emails!

Fi is also a mum of two young children born less than a year apart. As an award winning Nanny and qualified Nursery Nurse with over 21 years experience in childcare, Fi’s career has covered many areas of the childcare sector. Her qualifications include two Diplomas (one in Nursery Nursing and one in Childhood Studies) and a Degree in Childhood and Youth studies. 

Fi Star-Stone’s Twitter Page

Fi Star-Stone’s Facebook Page


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